【雅思口语万年5.5?】Higher Level的答案帮你快速提分
大部分的口语考生在雅思口语考试中只能够拿到5-6.5分的成绩,那么怎么样才能够通过给出higher level的答案从而取得更高的分数呢?下面有三个方法分享给大家:
1. Higher-level answers are using a more natural style.
2. There are more linking phrases in the higher level answers.
3. They are more detailed when explaining or describing something.
Would you like to
move to another city in the future?
Lower level answer: No, because I love my hometown.
Higher level answer: No, not really. The main reason being that I love my hometown, so if I moved elsewhere, I’m sure I wouldn’t be as happy as I am living here.
What type of person do you like to keep as friends?
Lower level answer: I would like to have interesting and humorous people as my friends.
Higher level answer: well, when it comes to choosing friends, I would like to be friends with people who have an interesting and humorous character, simply because you can have more fun and feel more relaxed when you are with them.
Can you describe your home a little?
Lower level answer: My home is very big. Umm…we have a big living room, and we also have a good view of the city.
Higher level answer: yeah, of course. Well, first of all, it is quite spacious. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, umm another thing to mention is the view because we live quite high up, so we have got a pretty good view of the city.
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